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Category: District

What is the best approach to deliver low temperature and low carbon heat networks?

Can heat consumers enjoy affordable, reliable and low carbon heat? Can heat suppliers lower capex and opex spends and also deliver excellent heat network performance?

Heat Vision 2030 – What can we do in 2021 to achieve clean heat in UK cities

For Heat Vision 2030 we asked a panel of experts from the heat network sector to reflect on how we move low carbon heat network deployment forward in 2021.

Minibems fits the bill

With over 300,000 existing heat network connections in the UK that still require a fit-for-purpose metering and billing system, and regulations due to be updated soon, now’s the time for building owners to assess their housing stock and source the best service provider to meet their needs.

Minibems’ Heat Vision 2030 nominated in the Decentralised Energy Awards

Minibems, alongside our partners in the Heat Vision 2030 project, has been nominated for a Decentralised Energy Award.

All-star cast at Minibems with Heat Network Consultant, Alistair Moore joining the team

Alistair Moore recently joined the Minibems team as Heat Network Consultant, putting his skills into practice by demonstrating the need for real-time, demand driven control for communal and district heating systems.

A celebration of like-minded green technology providers

Minibems is unique in applying IoT technology to dynamically control real-time flow rate, operate and monitor the use of heat for each dwelling across the heat network development.

8% increase in boiler efficiency helps – Minibems can guarantee 70% efficiency across the heat network

Following on from a recent LinkedIn post we put together concerning flow temperatures and boiler optimisation making headlines in the Guardian and The Times newspapers. We thought it would be a good time to shout about the efficiencies we can achieve on heat networks.

Interested in finding out how we can optimise your heat network?

Contact Minibems today